NOFO 2023

Notice of Funding Opportunity

  • Overview

    On July 5th, 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grants for FY 2023.

    To participate in national competitions for CoC Program funds, SMAC must hold a Local CoC Program Competition to evaluate, select, and rank all projects the CoC wants to include in the region's national competition applications to HUD.

    Project applicants that are part of the CoC’s application may receive funds to support Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, and Joint Transitional/Rapid Re-housing in the CoC region. CoC Program funds are meant to catalyze system-wide efforts and outcomes in homelessness prevention and assistance.

    Click here for the full notice

    Click here for SMAC 2023 NOFO Timeline

  • New and Expansion Project Information

    Any agency that is interested in creating a NEW project or EXPANSION in this year’s NOFO application, please connect with Laquita to prep everything you can before the deadline.

    Call for New Projects

    New/Expansion Project Applicant Packet

    New/Expansion Project Pre-application

    Interested agencies must complete and submit a pre-application no later than 3pm on Wednesday 8/2. Completed pre-applications will be submitted to Laquita Love-Limo at

  • Renewal Project Information

    For the local CoC competition, all projects seeking renewal funds for CoC program funding must submit an Intent To Apply to Laquita at by June 19th, 2023.

    While we are waiting for e-snaps to open, we are asking projects to work on cleaning up their program's HMIS data. ICA will be pulling project APRs on 8/1/23, so be sure your HMIS program data is clean by 7/31/23! We encourage you to run the QDQ Monitoring report for 7/1/22-6/30/2023 to help ensure your data is not missing or inaccurate.

    In the renewal packet, you will find further information on timelines, scoring tool, and a new page with questions to answer about staff and leadership composition.

    Renewal Project Applicant Packet

    Forthcoming, we will be sending out a racial equity self-assessment, which will NOT be scored or collected this year.

  • Ranking and Scoring Information

    2023 Scoring Tool

    Initial Ranking

    Final Ranking - no appeals received, no changes made to initial ranking